GI Endoscopy, Minimally Invasive General Surgery, Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Treatment, Quality Metrics in Surgery, and Medical Education
Efficacy and Safety of Tezepelumab in Patients With Eosinophilic Esophagitis (CROSSING) ID: NCT05583227
A Study of Benralizumab in Patients With Eosinophilic Esophagitis (MESSINA)
ID: NCT04543409
Rectal Cancer: Decreasing Tumor Volume Prior to Neoadjuvant Therapy May Increase Complete Response Rate. A Case Report.
Khokhotva V, Georgescu I.
European Colorectal Congress 2022. St. Gallen – Switzerland..
A Proposed Algorithm for the Treatment of Complicated Diverticulitis Using Primarily Laparoscopic Techniques.
Raskin R, Georgescu I, Khokhotva V.
European Colorectal Congress 2022. St. Gallen – Switzerland.
Migrated Tubal Ligation (Filshie) Clip as an Uncommon Cause
of Chronic Abdominal Pain.
Sharma S, Martyniak R, Khokhotva V.
Case Rep Surg. 2020.
Port Site Metastasis After Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS). A Case Report.
Georgescu I, Khokhotva V.
European Colorectal Congress 2022. St. Gallen – Switzerland.
Efficacy and Safety of Non-Elevated Piecemeal Polypectomy using Hot Snare.
Sharma S, Sharma A, Khokhotva V.
American Journal of Gastroenterology. 144. S316-S317. 2019.
Laparoscopic Abscess Drainage in Patients Presenting with Acute Diverticulitis with Purulent Peritonitis.
Haberfellner E, Quint E, Khokhotva V.
European Colorectal Congress 2018. St. Gallen – Switzerland.
Laparoscopic Omental Patch Repair for Perforated Diverticulitis: Case Report.
Ferrato M, Raskin R, Khokhotva V.
European Colorectal Congress 2018. St. Gallen – Switzerland.
Portal Vein Thrombosis Associated with Ischemic Colitis.
Raskin R, Ferrato M, Khokhotva V.
European Colorectal Congress 2018. St. Gallen – Switzerland.
Laparoscopic Sigmoid Colectomy for Diverticulitis with Transanal Extraction.
Raskin R, Khokhotva V.
Can J Surg. 2018. 6(4 Suppl 2):109.
Laparoscopic Sigmoid Colectomy with Hand-Sewn End to End Anastomosis.
Mannina D, Khokhotva V.
Can J Surg. 2018. 61(4). S94-S174.
Laparoscopic Cholecystostomy as a Bail-out Maneuver in Difficult Cholecystitis.
Hempel E, Khokhotva V.
Canadian Surgery Forum 2017.
A Reliable and Safe Gastrotomy Closure Technique Assessed in a Porcine Survival Model Pilot Study: Success of the Queen's Closure.
Hookey LC, Bielawska B, Samis A, Ellis R, Khokhotva V, Hurlbut D, Mercer D.
Endoscopy. 2009. 41(6):493-7.
The Queen's Closure: A Novel Technique for Closure of Endoscopic Gastrotomy for Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery.
Hookey LC, Khokhotva V, Bielawska B, Samis A, Jalink D, Hurlbut D, Mercer D.
Endoscopy. 2009. 41(2):149-153.